Structurally, the perception depends on practical human beings established for used systems of codification as processing of the information, but, also to influence the decision to point out objects perceived in appropriate categories. The attention is considered a type of systematic perception and usually mentions the election of informacionais resources that focus the object perception definitive in detriment of others. In this perspective the process of attention if of the one in two phases: initially the focalizao in the stimulatons occurs and later characterizes the elements of information of the environment, appearing to the description of elements in the form of a recognition standard of the object. The more a task is practised by the individual little attention is required to be executed. The memory is studied from two complementary ways: considering it form as the information it enters and it is codified, and the way as the information restrained and is recouped in the cognitivo system. In the first case the information proceeding from the way tends to transitory remain in the memory of short duration, delimited retention capacity, which must be worked through the mechanism of involved association and repetition in the learning process, later to be deposited in the memory of long duration. The basic operations that the memory presents are codification, storage and recovery. The codification is the transformation of the sensorial data of entrance in a form of mental representation, that can be storaged. The storage is the conservation of the codified information. The recovery mentions the access to it and to the use of the stored information. All these processes interact between itself and are interdependent during all the life.