Really Simple Syndication

Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.x) – Really Simple Syndication. rss – this is the format of presentation of information of a resource (site) to which you can subscribe to. It is designed to ensure that the subscriber can quickly obtain a brief description new information published on the website with the ability to go directly to the website directly to this new information. You no longer need each time you call in the network to visit all their favorite sites and view if there are any them something new. Once you log into the network, you instantly get an overview of all news from all sites to which you subscribe. How does it work? There are special programs, called "Aggregators", with which you can view the RSS-feed (also referred to as 'RSS-streams' and yet 'feeds'). To know more about this subject visit John Blondel.

The site on which you want to "subscribe" to find the icon, or other type button that says rss, RSS-subscription", etc. Click on this link in the menu of the program aggregator click the "Subscribe (Subscribe) or "OK". If suddenly the button is not found, try in the address bar, after the site address to put a slash and enter the 'feed' (example:) or 'rss' (example:). Although, if you do not were able to find the right button on the home page, then most likely the site has no RSS-feed, or its owner is sovcem do not care Program for rss. Many browsers (the programs through which you view web pages) support subscription to rss.