
And then we play what he heard – staging a story or a snippet of the book. Toys that need to take here, of course, keep in mind the interests of your baby...


As gifts to colleagues and friends buy products from beads and leather. Bracelets and straps will be good both in as supplements, as well as self-gifts for the ...

Inhabited Space

The presence of the unexpected one is, thus, another marcante aspect of the border band, for what it contributes the multiplicity of actors and nets techniques ...

Social Networks

If you’re an introverted person, you feel as if you had the gift of the word, on the other hand if you’re an introverted person, you will not know h...

Pedagogic Quality

Lines of direction for a pedagogia of quality. Laura Anglica Da Silva Baldono Angela Cristina Da Silva Duarte Cleida Maria Balbino Capeli Eulina Da Silva I cast...