
CHAPTER III – CONTEXTO ESCOLAR DE A PESSOA COM SA the right to the education is an inalienable and igualitrio right for all, as conducts our constitution and therefore any person must be directed to all and, independent of being or not deficient. In this direction, the person with syndrome of also asperger is inserted in this process, in way that the school must be adapted to receive all and any deficiency, has seen that she is related to the rules of the inclusive education and the right to the diversity. 3.1. The process of education and learning We know that the school plays a secondary role to the one of the family of the child with SA, but the children diagnosised with this syndrome present a special challenge in the educational system. Visas as eccentric and typically peculiar for the colleagues, its innate social abilities take frequent them to be done of bode expiatrio. Unskillfulness and obsessive interest in obscure things contribute for its presentation ' ' mpar' '. Children with SA fail in the agreement of the relations human beings and rules of the social conviviality; they are ingenuous and eminently devoid of common sense.

Its inflexibilidade and lack of ability to deal with changes easily take these individuals to be estressados emotionally vulnerable. At the same time, children with SA (in the majority youngsters) have frequent, intelligence in the average or above average and have privileged memory. Its obsession for only subject of interest can take the great ones discovered later in the life. For Piaget, the central point of its theory of learning is characterized essentially for the cognitiva structure of the citizen. The cognitivas structures move through the adaptation processes: assimilation and room.

The assimilation involves the interpretation of events in terms of existing cognitivas structures, 28 whereas the room if relates to the change of the cognitiva structure to understand the way. Different levels of cognitivo development. It is basic to allow that the child develops its proper theories and hypotheses regarding the writing and to guarantee the reasoning, that does not develop with the repetition mechanics of contents. According to Piaget, each time that we prematurely teach to a child something who it could to have discovered for same itself, this child was hindered to invent, and consequentemente to understand completely. Agreeing to the piagetiana theory, Ferreiro and Teberosky apud Rizzo (2008, p 35) affirms that the citizen of the learning (pupil) is