The amazing thing of all is sometimes a considerable array of student thesis (80-100 pages) really affect her assessment of the attestation commission only an introduction. Well, if not insulting: working students, plows, analyzes variety of scientific sources, primary sources, break out myself and those around the brain, and – for you. Listened to members of the Certification Commission undergraduates, nodded their heads, flip through the text of his thesis and was stopped in the introduction to it: something you, my friend, that indicated incorrect object (the object) of the study, not on those methods of research cited by defining the methodology of his research, etc. And everything else as well: the analysis, tables, calculations, recommendations, there all sorts of pictures and graphics? With them, then what? And all my committee members: Work, of course, serious, a lot of force you, sir, at her expense. But here’s the methodology, then you have somehow not so: how do you then a written work, eh? And the student gets chetverochku instead of the expected five, or even worse.
That’s the story. And then a graduate student thinks, loser that he told you the same lecturer (read: the supervisor): “Every word in Weigh the introduction, read the guidelines carefully and do everything as it reads. ” And where indicated, for example, that in the introduction, “… shall disclose the basic content of the theoretical and practical importance chosen topic, to prove its relevance. This should be defined goal, the challenges in front of a student in the writing of the work are subject and object of study.