New training materials for individuals and trainers, dyslexia is a lifelong genetic disposition. For the necessary training, young dyslexic adults and their trainers have to rely generally on materials for children. This practice with child-like”content but is demotivating for young people so that they often completely deny the dyslexia training and prefer to endure their inefficiencies in training and employment. However, young adults can achieve sustainable improvements with appropriate training materials. Research results show that strengthening and stimulating the senses is a prerequisite for the development of more complex key skills and is therefore important for dealing with professional and everyday life. In the framework of the EU project DYS 2.0, an international partnership has developed a motivating interactive learning environment for training the senses for young dyslexic adults. Free approximately 275 games for dyslexic young people and their stand on Trainers ready to support the following areas (1) auditory distinction, (2) auditory memory, (3) auditory series, (4) Visual distinction, (5) Visual memory, (6) Visual series and (7) spatial orientation. The selection of the areas is based on research results to the stimulation of the areas of the brain that are responsible for reading and writing.
A training of these areas helps to develop certain skills that are important in professional life. How is this possible? Reading and writing are not isolated skills defined regions of the brain are responsible for that. Reading is based on a series of brain processes. By stimulating the main regions develop neurological links that make more receptive to learning including read learning. For example, many Dyslexic people confused similar words. The training of Visual distinguishing can reduce these problems.
The games have been in collaboration with affected and their Educators and trainers developed. As a trainer or coach, you will receive a new kind of educational materials for use in your training. The DYS 2.0 educational games are not like the “usual” games for young people on the Internet and are also not as such be presented. It is necessary here to emphasize the focus on the game, and that practitioners play can practice their skills. The games are intended for use in the practice sessions, but you will notice that your students and students continue to play also in their free time. The games are designed so that they motivate the young people to the training. You get highly motivating exercise material so with these games and equip your students and students for learning. The games were awarded the Austrian State Prize for E-business and multimedia 2008 and 2009 with the World Summit Award. Dr.Petra t.k Rahiman