Brand New Creative Gallery

In the stylish Creative Gallery of the mailingtage 2011 with exciting projects presents itself, among other things: the first newsletter to listen to. Original ideas, that surprise, this is the concept of the Creative Gallery. Prominently positioned in the entrance foyer service providers introduce themselves with their successful dialog actions from different disciplines. This new concept of the mailingtage said to us very”, so co-owner Yvonne Perdelwitz. We see the chance to present our versatility, as on one of the traditional space better.” The personal exchanges through the projects to be touched “in the Creative Gallery in particular stimulated. We are looking forward to the dialogue and the meeting. For us this form of trade fair participation is new and exciting”, explains Julia Nati, an associate of The projects presented reflect the wide and varied offer of full service agency

The first newsletter to listen to! Integration of text-to-speech function and Redesigning a newsletter behind this exciting title refers to an action, the realized for the Christoffel Blindenmission Germany e.V. (CBM). The newsletter of the NGO in the field of development cooperation should be made widely accessible and at the same time both graphically than substance emotionally and personally appealing. In the redesign of the CBM newsletter, the brand new text-to-speech function has been integrated for recipients with Visual impairment. Via a special link, the audio version of the newsletter is to hear, enables an easy capture of the content. Also worked with personalized content, in the form of interest-specific articles, personalized images with the name of the recipient and personalized landing pages. A further focus was on the newly-integrated connection to Facebook. The campaign was a success. The simple click-through rate increased by 32 percent, the total reached 44 percent more fans by 160 percent, CBM on Facebook, 18 per cent of recipients of the HTML version used the text-to-speech function.