For more information about how to apply and start using Adsense on their site, visit: Some advice before applying for the AdSense program: 1. You must have an existing blog or an existing site. 2. Your website must have at least 10-15 pages of relevant content. If you have a blog that want to apply to AdSense, you must have at least 5 or more entries your blog. 3.
Your blog or website should be clean and easy to use. N on pages under construction or broken links, animated gifs or more, or pop-ups. 4. You do not have to have a professionally designed web site or blog. The simpler your site is the best for search engines to spider, and the better for its users to navigate. How to get a blog? You can blog that can be hosted on your own website, as WordPress is an easy to install php, free to download. Alternatively, you can use any of the free blog services such as: to create a blog that is hosted on your server. So to recap: Select a topic you’d like to blog about, create a blog, make a couple of posts a day on his blog, wait about five days, and then apply for Google Adsense program.
Once approved for Adsense, you should submit your blog or website in major search engines. If you do not know search engines, do a search for “submission website free “. You will find that there are a lot of sites that let you use their services for free to submit your site or blog to various search engines. His blog are several directories that you should also list your blog. Once more, do a search for blog directories and submit your site to all that you can find. Tell others about your blog, your family and friends, etc. Ask them to tell others about your blog. This way you can start receiving traffic immediately. Just a word of warning: DO NOT family and friends to click on your AdSense ads, and under no circumstances should you click any of the ads yourself – that is a good way to get banned by Google and have lost valuable source of income! Now that you know how to start your own blog, they have no excuse to make money online!