Sergio Buarque

In the years of 1970, for example, it was common to present serious repairs preferential its ideas, synthecized in the topic of the Brazilian cordialidade. They in such a way would mask, internally, the contradictions of the interests of classrooms, how much, external, the radical rupture between Brazil and the old Portuguese metropolis, in the ticket of the condition of colony for the one of independent country. The first notice of the young Sergio Buarque of Holland in them bring the image of an irreverent reader and something eccentric, says some that excessively erudite for the standards of the time, the first months of the year of 1920, that it is when its articles to circulate start it for the pages of the So Paulo Post office. Sergio Buarque of Holland, writer with a exacerbada critical susceptibility, with complexificada literary aptitude and certain playful disposal for the escrnio, a provoker with good sense, if not in dissimulated way fastidioso, is for times a baffling author for the imprudent reader. Possessor of one erudio that seems to be situated near the border of the improbable one and of a critical apparatus to invulgar was pledged since the beginning of its professional activity, to the 18 years, in pronouncing the literary analysis, all its formal especificidades. Although not to be many the certifications on the critic who then appeared, one of them, at least, in the ones of the account of that there for eighteen, twenty years, Sergio the serious one for the friends was not a taken youngster very. ‘ ‘ Of monculo, ingesting some calmly mysterious homeopticos tablets that they insinuated to contain entorpecentes’ ‘ , it consists that it appreciated to leave to run around its name a series of anecdotes of bad taste, as that one second which, already living in Rio De Janeiro, it costumava to cross the avenues of the center being eaten maces with a white rooster underneath of the ready arm and to make parrel with the first one that it appeared.