To be manager implies in the essence of the leadership, that is; as Hunter that cites: Margaret Thatcher in the epilogue: Estar in the power is as a lady, will have itself that to remember the people who you are, you are not . (2004, pg.16). In many circumstances she is necessary to be balanced, to be balanced, knowing to hear more than what to speak. Still with Hunter we have: Leadership is the ability to influence people to work enthusiasticly aiming at to reach to the identified objectives as being for the common good .
The Manager who is leader influences, considers motivation, challenges in search of the construction come back to the difference, through the cooperatividade. The leader directs action, but, over all she believes the potential of its team. The leadership is a methodical conviviality that makes possible the reflection-action of somativa and solidary form. Libneo bases that the paper of the manager goes very beyond mere managing, playing functions that much time has summarized if to this practical. According to this, little imports the term to be used, since that: the term organizacional culture comes directly associated of that the organizations are marked by the social interactions between the people, detaching the informal relations who occur in the school, stops beyond a mere bureaucratic vision of the functioning of the institution . (2004, pg. 97). The respect the cultural diversity of the internal community, as the personal individuality in what it translates the presented emotions and behaviors, will have to be shared either in the way to hear, to speak (as it detaches Hunter), and same if associated the Alonso the leadership will need to suffer structural and organizacionais alterations, of form to gain greater flexibility and greater coherence with the proposal educational required and longed for from there to consolidate, to improve the work in team..