Gemma Saenz

Take care of your emotional health; for this reason it is suitable that you talk to someone what worries you, you upset and you stressed, or at least write it on paper and throw it away. Then breathe deeply, you’ll see how you feel relieved. Get some physical exercise because our body needs to move to generate the energy it needs. Walking 20 minutes a day may be enough to start. You will help you to download your mind and relax your body. Finally, I recommend that you leave the routine and goals gradually change in your life. How? It seeks to put you different colors each day. Look to see which color you want, this will be the best for you.

If you’re discouraged better Ponte vivid colors, they will rise your mood. Our bodies also need different stimuli, so food must be varied, meat, fish, pasta, different fruits and vegetables, all cooked in different ways and seeks to change the color of the dishes, glasses, tablecloths. It is a more fun way of eating and connects us with the color and variety of life. As you go by making these small changes you’ll feel better with it and that is going to lead to a more healthy, quiet and active life. Flower Melguizo Aguilera doctor specialist in medical oncology, Psychosomatic Medicine, psychotherapist. Emotional management in the TRCD method based on testing of M Gemma Saenz: fear the decrepitude of old age, disease and death. Original author and source of the article.