
FORMS OF ACQUISITION OF THE READING AND THE WRITING Studies prove that the child learns since the birth in a process continues, in which go to predominate definitive strategies in the school and it same, as each period of the development. The small ones learn by means of the interactions that establish with its social environment and, these interactions if configure distinct practise in accordance with them that certainly it will allow to help it to adequately understand and to use the codes of our language. According to FREIRE (1997) ' ' Nobody educates nobody as well as nobody only educates alone somebody learns if to exist a person whom it desires to it teaches. In the same way, somebody will only teach will have a premade use individual to learn, and learning will become pleasant in the measure where he will be significativo.' ' Then so that it has a good preparation in the alfabetizao of the children is necessary to detach a factor key: the social interaction, that occurs mainly in house, being important to the creative and innovative intellectual techniques that despertem in the child the taste for knowing. Another important preditor of the alfabetizao is the way with that the adults speak with the children; a rich vocabulary with uncommon words must be used, mainly if used during simple activities of day-by-day, as during the meals, or in colloquies with relative questions to why the people make the things they function. Snow cited for Papalia, Olds (200, p.203) says that ' ' such colloquies help the young children to choose the words and to organize the way phrases coerente' '. We also cite the educative television as activity suggestion that contributes in the preparation of the children for the alfabetizao. This type of televising programming offers possibilities of the child to acquire knowledge of letters and numbers, resolution of problems, reasoning and understanding of physical and social environments that they attract the attention of children and they make to them to participate actively, but always with the parents interacting with them, talking on what they are attending and perfectioning still more abilities of vocabularies.