From Egypt To Canaan

The people of Israel was enslaved and dominated under the yoke of the Egyptian Empire, cando Jehova Dios de los Ejercitos decided to liberate them and lead them to a land of freedom that floweth with milk and honey. Around 2 million people would have to travel alongside the Patriarch Moises from Egypt to Canaan. Moses had lived 40 years in the wilderness of Midian and the Sinai, reason by which he knew each one of the paths and roads of the region. So Moses knew that the road to the North was the more logical path, direct and appropriate for travel from Egypt to Candan. We can be sure that the common sense of the strategists of yesteryear and the modern systems of global positioning (GPS), had given every reason to the Patriarch Moses. However, God had other plans. God had chosen a strategically illogical, indirect, difficult trail and without common sense, but with an extraordinary and profound spiritual sense.

God had chosen a strange path to the South, which was narrow, indirect and impossible to avoid two scales: the Red Sea and Mount Sinai. So, historically speaking, the people of Israel would have to leave Egypt, passing through the Red Sea, camping around Mount Sinai, and finally directing towards the land of Canaan before crossing the Jordan River. In summary, tended four milestones that cover: Egypt, Red Sea, Sinai, and finally Canaan. Egypt in Egypt: a) the people of Israel celebrated the Passover, b) painted the doors of their homes with blood, c) died the firstborn of Pharaoh and of the Egyptians, and d) Egypt hastily fled the Israelite people. Red Sea Road to the Red Sea: to) appears a thick cloud that shines and shines sideways and causing darkness and darkness toward each other; (b) the waters of the Red Sea to one side and towards the other, creating a path of liberation for Israel and condemnation to the Pharaoh and his army lordling are separated.