What do you think of what produces the most elite and expensive coffee in the world? From a certain kind of coffee? And here and there – it is produced from digested and retired from the gut kind of animal civet coffee beans. We are talking about the famous coffees Kopi Luwak, which has no equal in rarity and price – $ 320-400 per kg. Originally the coffee from Indonesia – it grows on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi. Kopi in Indonesian means "coffee", and Luwak – is a small animal species civet, animal family . Lyuvak lives on trees and a small predator. And he loves coffee beans, and selects the most ripe and flavorful. This coffee lover considered a pest as long as someone does not guessed it earn huge money. The fact that lyuvak eats a lot more grains than capable to digest.
Undigested coffee beans, which pass through pass through the digestive system , undergo some processing enzymes, and it went away 'natural means. " As a result, the taste of the grains varies. Local residents diligently collect not overcooked animal coffee beans, of which the best and preparing expensive coffee in the world. Thus is born Kopi Luwak. Despite the peculiar origins of the drink, the manufacturers swear that it meets quality standards. Coffee of the class has a touch of caramel and smells like chocolate. According to scientists, it is unlikely that this sophisticated type of coffee will be available in the near future to reproduce artificially. A researcher from the University Gvelfskogo (Ontario, Canada), Massimo marconi interested in whether you can reproduce that effect, which have the taste of civet coffee.
He began to look for another place in the world where both would have been coffee and civet, and ended up in Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee. In the journal Food Research International M. marconi describes how he prepared the coffee beans personally selected by him from the African civet excrement, and compared it with coffee Kopi Luwak. M. marconi found that in both cases, the digestive activity of civet digested contained in coffee beans proteins. With this in taste and aroma of roasting coffee is further strengthened. Some proteins are completely washed out of the grains, therefore derived from their coffee less bitter. Kopi Luwak coffee but not so easy to copy, as expected Marcone: Indonesian cats intestines where carefully cleaves proteins than does the digestive system of Ethiopian civet. However, M. marconi discovered yet and that the slow processing bacteria and enzymes in the gut like a civet coffee fermentation method, known as the 'wet process'. Even the stuff it uses the same thing – lactic acid bacteria. Most of the Kopi Luwak is traditionally sent to the Japan. Recently, a modest party came to the United States, and excited the local professinalov coffee market. Some initially took this information on the grade as a joke, but then took on a bit per sample and overall satisfaction.