Dale Carnegie

When the relationship was built based on mutual respect will be easier to come to fruition in situations of conflict. However, even in these cases, it is sometimes difficult to reach agreement. This happens when both parties feel they have already ceded enough. How to proceed in these situations? Someone must take the first step; Although this implies greater vulnerability. Otherwise, the risks incurred are: not advance the objectives of the relationship by a stagnation or worse, end up with the relationship. You must not make the mistake of thinking that these people will stop by themselves cause conflicts if you ignore them. Address them in offensive manner because of his behavior nor leads to good results. The best way to bring about change with these people is to build positive connections with them.

For example: share time and know of their lives. Also, be sure to do focus on the conflict and not on people who are apparently involved in the. Blame only exacerbates the problem. Perform all the conversations that were necessary but always in private. Very often, the cause of conflicting personalities is due to factors outside the employment relationship. Beyond these considerations, the consultant group highlights these matters lead to the question of the main theme in labour relations: an open and honest communication is the foundation of any relationship. This is achieved through an attitude to show confidence both in words and in fact, the study says.

Fundamental condition listening is one of the core competencies in the communication process. Moreover, is probably one of the most outstanding aspects. It is impossible to reach mutual understanding when communication is unilateral, highlighted the experts of Dale Carnegie. They added that the development of interpersonal relations depends on a principle of the leader, who must adopt an attitude of commitment, accessibility and sensitivity in the process. Its function is to create necessary springs for the development of an atmosphere of openness, honesty and containment. A leader is who sets the tone of the business. To do so, as a first step, you must analyze aspects related with the characteristics of the organizational culture, the report concludes. Companies are demanding more engineers and more unmet labour demand technicians, according to data released by the Indec was 10.3%, is evident at the professional level, especially in the areas of engineering, production, systems and administration. Indec data analysis shows that production and maintenance jobs had an 84.9% unsatisfied demand, while management and administration was 11.8%. Human resources specialists say that in endemic form, i.e. several months ago, unmet labour demand in engineering, management and headquarters of production, maintenance and also in health and safety. According to the Indec, unsatisfied job demand climbs to 51.8% when it comes to search operators and 39.9% when referring to personnel with qualifications technical, while it drops to only 8.3 percent when it comes to professionals, with higher or professional title. In this way, the current situation presents a paradox: while a little less than 2 million people seeking employment, and there is another group that while you’re busy has a very poor employment and low wages at the same time there are companies that are seeking to personnel and who in many cases have a 100% unmet labour demand.