
I drew his attention to one fact, which opened his eyes to the truth: I asked, "Who do you do this that you offered the job? ". He's not a programmer, not a professional gamer, is not writing on blogs. The conclusion is simple – no one knows. And since nobody knows what's the point to offer him a job? A sense of something simple as abc. They hedged – requires a personal certificate. And he is not – just have to send money, unless of course wishes to receive for such easy work that kind of money. This then is the whole trick – it sends money then to a prospective employer had the opportunity to know that he is – an honest man.

But there is no clause that after receiving the certificate it will take. Maybe then he will simply refuse on the pretext that the other person found it does not fit, etc. Money of course will not return – he's not in them as collateral to make, but for a paid service – getting a personal passport. Now the idea: even if it did not take it has no right to them complain – he gave the money he has received a service. All honest, but what it did not take – to refuse to hire the right employer. Develop the idea further – if by that he can not complain (complain he can, and only the good of this will not be) a potential employer can not punish it possible to earn? Think hard, and there – all simply going to tell you the simplest scheme of such earnings.

Entrepreneur gets himself certificate of the registrar and making a deposit (this deposit will guarantee that he will faithfully fulfill its mission, ie, actually check the data sent to him). Makes herself a page in the network, where talks about what he – receptionist and we will just be honest running them. Then he thought out and made public affiliate program that anyone could become its partner. And then everything is quite simple – he becomes their "partner" on behalf of the firm F. Later on behalf of the company shall send to all the job offer. Surely there are those who on this proposal Pozar and transfer the money. After that, honestly man already checks the data on behalf of the Registrar and shall issue a personal certificate. And the work does not take – and denies all (well, for propriety may reason left to come up with). Once the entrepreneur will earn a certain amount of it subside as the employer and will continue to be honest work as a receptionist, and when the buzz around this campaign, he will settle down a bit and then waits for her to hold (after changing the name of a defunct company and slightly changing the conditions of work). And all the hype machine people ready, no complexity. The main thing that all believed that this is true then the river will flow money to him. Lastly, I'll tell you a thing, for which the article was written: "Free cheese only in a mousetrap, and the second mouse. A Speaking on a more accessible language, you only lose your money and get nothing. So remember the important thing – the work can be sought only for services with a good reputation, though kidalovo and there is.