It is their efforts, if not even earlier, with the Oxford edition of 1914 pieces Shakespeare is exactly the text of a sonnet by Shakespeare cleaned made the selection of certain words in print in the middle of their line with a capital letter. Or, vice versa, but with the same purpose, in other editions of these secretions do much more than they were in the publication in 1609 These and other evidence of dirty tricks against the English of Shakespeare and the author of this note were only indirectly as long as the eve of 2008, one man not given him the link: / shakespeare 's_sonnet66.htm. And just because, perhaps, this person has himself regrets his actions, and that revenge can relate to the British and, at the last minute decided not to disclose the author's name. However, the author believes possible and necessary to point out that there was the transfer of this wonderful link to a German site Next would be to write a scientist capable of necessity, objective review of the content of this page this site to keep their feelings and emotions. The author notes that his disgust quite unable to overcome.
Therefore, it is limited to a brief description. On this page you can find the above text Original Sonnet 66 by William Shakespeare, without having to do it in Shakespeare's discharge, but without the comma after the as in the second row. The following is a translation of the text into modern English.