This means that the film and the set of documents can become a set of intrinsic elements proper the cinematographic expressions beyond allowing to understand in them as definitive society to see the subject that if considers to represent. Charges and cartuns are presented in the daily one of classroom only as newness or escape of the pertaining to school routine. Educating must have sensitivity in the use of these languages not institucional, so that figures are not taken only as attractive, or illustrations printed and colored so that if it does not lose of sight the especificidade of a visual text, beyond seeming more attractive of what the verbal language writing is inserted in the limit of the illustration, between the ornament that alleviates the page and attempt to strengthen what still it has to read or, still, to enrich what it was read. When we search to relate content and materiality saw image is percebvel that it forms and content is not indissociveis, but complementary, its continuous interaction in the construction of the significao of an iconography, thus we must lead in consideration that charges must also be analyzed in a general context, that is, they are not untied a time taken as texts visual, must be interpreted while complementary aspect of the written text, inserted in the proper context. From there it is perceived that the images if bind, of form to concatenate ideas and to produce a speech or a visual narrative. Music promotes a space facilitador of the relation teach-learning, helping to develop in the basic characteristic pupils, such as concentration capacity, relief of the anxiety, deceleration of the thought, relaxation, at last, producing a learning efficient. Music has been used in the lessons in different ways and reasons, therefore she contributes to the listeners the interpretation of the same music of different forms, however it takes the people to act spontaneously, not only in the track of dance, but also in classroom. .