The Same

These behavior or action scenarios are dynamic and allow modifications, adaptations and impacts on the same path of action. It is for these reasons that, where we have environments of instability and uncertainty, strategic thinking does more than is necessary. It is in these situations where you must always prevail strategy before the program. 2 Educate to educate in the enjoyment enjoyment means to generate enthusiasm, each and every one of the activities. Then, an educational process sustained by the enthusiasm, means that all members of the school to feel alive, they share their creativity, they generate original responses, having fun playing, enjoy. Educating for the enjoyment means mobilizing energies on a shared fun adventure; feel and do feel, giving the best of themselves and receive the best of the others to participate. All this necessarily implies a joyful atmosphere, both material resources and human encounter. Here comes the richness of the senses, imagination and collective creation.

If we are born to enjoy we have every right to learn to enjoy. This goes directly against illusory models of enjoyment, as the widespread massive scale by advertising. There are other ways, such as answers to the question: when enjoy life? If the current school teaches not to enjoy, the sense of an alternative education is educated for the enjoyment. The enjoyment is a starting point and llagada, an incentive to live and the key to life itself. 3 Educate for significance and expression with sense education educates protagonists, beings to which each and every one of the activities, each and every one of the concepts, all and each one of the projects, mean something for your life. This significance is the starting point of the meaning of the world and others. The ability of make sense, to mean the world and own experience, through the ability to criticize the senses and non-nonsense.