Lights Simple Steps

By Sandra Iozzelli in a survey of thousands of women in 10 countries around the world, only 2% of women responded that they considered beautiful. This leaves a question mark, is that there are few beautiful women in the world or is that our perceptions about us are very little positive? You would do well to reflect on the matter we want to look beautiful, attractive, calling attention, we value our physical appearance, by the way in which we look this may seem a very natural and common habit especially among women, but what happens when you’re not happy with your physical appearance? What happens when you think you’re too fat, you’re not pretty enough, high enough, attractive enough? Does it make you feel this? Probably not very well. If this is your case, you continue reading, I have good news for you. Instead of giving you the latest tips of beauty, or recipes to see you beautiful and sexy I’ll encourage seas feliz tal como eres, now. Yes, as you are reading do not there is nothing to change, there is nothing to improve it, there is nothing wrong with you, you are beautiful and perfect tal como eres and are your beliefs about the opposite what can make your life difficult and no I am saying that not change aspects in you if you want to, what I say is that you review the reasons that lead you to want to change if you don’t like tal como eres. Begins by paying attention to the thoughts that haunt your mind, when you say that you are fat, you should be high, have the straight nose some habitual thoughts can be: I’m not good enough as I am, I have to look to others for like, if you look like that model would be happy, if she were thinner would be happy, I need like others to feel good with myselfI need the approval and admiration of others these thoughts that may seem irrefutable truths, can make you feel very bad and prevent you precisely that you want, be happy.