Huancabamba River

Returning to the toponymic area avocado, Taylor (1994: 50-51) recorded in the 16th century NAM/NUM (Nama or Numa) terminations TSA / NTSA (Entza: course of) water). However to find differences between the Huayacundos (shit and Ayahuacas) and calvas them (Avocados malacatos). The first difference in his view is the shortage of jivaro toponyms in land guayacunda and the second is differentiation carried out by the documents and colonial divisions laid down until today. However recorded the toponym Chimbinuma and Samanamaca corresponding to border milestones between Ayabaca – Ecuador termination Nam or Nama have registered it in the toponym Cashannama, Hamlet Sondorillo district in the southern area of this province and left margin of the Huancabamba River and to the right of the quebrada Mazin, limit natural with the Tabaconas, an area quite away from the idiomatic context avocado. (This would be evidence of mitimaes Avocados in a highly incaizada area of Huancabamba or a toponym which underlies the thesis that the avocado or other jibaro language served as language of relationship in pre-Inca times) Towards central ara of the Department d Piura, in the province of Morropon log the toponym Namayaco (home of the district’s have), Nammuyu (Chalaco, 1940), this last word is apparently a variation from quechua nam Muyu or road to the mullu which would indicate a land trade route of this mollusk toward or by the sierra de Piura. With respect to the termination NAMA might be in the cases cited component NAMO /NAMU with which all the anthroponyms tongue just Quing Nam which has the meaning of father or Lord, hence the name Pacatnamu. The question that the jibaro language served as the language of relationship can support it also a historical fact reported by the hair of balboa chronicler, when he says that in times of war between Atahualpa and Huascar, being the cuzqueno Captain Guanca Auqui and brave Indian Captain Pingo Ximi in the area of Cusibamba (Loja, Ecuador)) came to conquer the Indians Bracamoros. .