Represents the crisis of ideological of the transitional period between the Renaissance and the Baroque period, i.e. the change of mindset that experiencing the Spanish society of that time. For the romantic (19th century) don Quixote became flag of idealism, in symbol of man with faith that fight by his truth and freedom, without cower before the setbacks and defeats. Cervantes is who best paints the diverse scenarios, social levels, types of people, ways of talking, ways of thinking, etc. of the Spain of his time. Cervantes cultivates all literary genres (with special success in the narrative) and dominates all the Renaissance styles.
All genres and Renaissance styles are present only in Don Quixote. His work is the best model of language until then. Formally sets the language, because it is the more complete and correct Spanish language record. The works of Cervantes is important because of its breadth of Lexicon: only in the Cervantes Don Quixote uses 12,372 meanings. The number of meanings of Don Quixote not any educated man today possesses them day: an educated man of today uses only of 5000 to 7000 meanings. Don Quixote put an end to the books of chivalry, fabulous literature, Cervantes unproductive and poorly written. The human value of his work: moral, spiritual, civic, philosophical, psychological, etc.
Noteworthy in this regard ideal impulse of don Quixote and Sancho’s common sense. The documentary value of his work: social, historical, geographical, religious, political, economic, etc. His works are thoughts, reflections and sayings that still today are in force. Cervantes writes with great feeling, intelligence, imagination and human understanding. It shows mastery of dialogue and descriptions. Cervantes is a perfect connoisseur of the Renaissance prose, which combines with a natural and simple language. Other works of Cervantes and Don Quixote are extensive works in which are interbedded interpolated stories, short novels, drama, poetry, reasoning, dialogues, speeches, statements, thoughts, proverbs, etc., of permanent universal value. All styles and genres cultivated so far are present in Don Quixote. Rene De Leon g. Panama, 2011. Original author and source of the article.