Carlos Mora Vanegas price is what you pay. The value is what you get. Warren Buffett the theme of social responsibility, especially with regard to the companies has been parsed in the last years, by what this represents, involves, by its scope and impact that many times when it is not well defined, protects, or have established control systems that ensure its effectiveness, the results are disastrous, as recently happened in Chile with the 33 miners recovered and that showed the world the importance of guaranteeing in such working life of those who play it. In this case is very interesting related to Canadian mining companies. In this regard indicates (27/10/10) a publication that was taken from the newspaper newspaper Le Devoir, which Canadian mining companies are involved four times more than its competitors from the rest of the planet in violations to the principles of social responsibility of enterprises, according to a new study carried out on behalf of Prospectors and developers Association of Canada (PDAC) Association of explorers and homebuilders of Canada, created in 1932 in the province of Ontario, Canada.
Points out, that in Quebec, the mine issue is current with two bills, one known and one that will come after the public hearings on oil shale. The National Assembly currently studying a new law envelopes the mines that would reaffirm the majority of legal privileges they enjoy industry since long time and it is denounced by the municipal and environmental media with a little unanimity. The law on mines is preeminent in the powers of the regional county municipalities comprises all the municipalities of a given territory forming an administrative entity in areas of management and territorial development. Environmentalists, who have often described the exorbitant powers of the mining sector as a relic of another age, estimate that the protection of the environment and ecosystems must pass before the private interests of that sector.